2 recent small projects

I wanted to share a couple of recent small projects I finished up and their in progress pics too!
Leather Flask Holder
The first one is a leather flask holder I made as a gift.

I individually stamped out each of those pattern marks and the hand stitching on this one was really relaxing and fun to do. Also adding the clasp was something I hadn't done before so that was also exciting and satisfying!

You can see the raw leather I started with on the left to get an idea for the work that went into this piece.
Wooden Tobacco Pipe

The second is a wooden tobacco pipe, it came as a kit with predrilled holes for the stem and bowl from Vermont Freehand.

The wood is Briar root which is traditional for a piece like this and this application. I had a lot of fun carving that out and finish sanding it by hand. The last finish applied was some carnauba wax which has to be applied with some form of heat and friction, in my case I used a dremel like buffing wheel attachment. Once it was done I had a blast smoking some pipe tobacco out of it!